Drop off & Pick up
In order for carpool to run smoothly - Please follow the map and instructions below.
Move forward in your lane as far as you are able before unloading or loading students in your vehicle.
Please have green NAME CARD in your vehicle’s window so we know who you are picking up (these can be requested in the front office).
Please use caution and courtesy when driving in the school lanes and parking lot.
RED LANE is for Kindergarten students without siblings.
This lane will start dismissing by 3:00. Please move as far forward as possible to the end of the red lane before loading.
BLUE LANE (Lane 1) is for *Kindergarteners with older siblings and older grades. This lane will only START lining up at 3:15. Red Lane should be cleared by then, if not, just line up behind them as they finish clearing out. Please move as far forward as possible to the end of blue line before loading.
YELLOW LANE (Lane 2) is also for *Kindergarteners with older siblings and older grades.
This lane will only START lining up at 3:15. Please move as far forward as possible before loading.
GREEN LANE is a through lane. This will be used to exit and to move around parked cars. Please don’t drop off or pick off from this lane.
You may park in the parking lot then meet your student by the cafeteria doors. Please walk all the way to the end of Lane 1 before crossing over to the parking lot after picking up your student(s). Please hold your student(s) hand to ensure their safety.
TO EXIT: Right turn only onto State Street. To head North on State Street, use South Church Entrance to make a U-turn.
*Kindergarteners with older siblings and older grades.
Younger siblings will stay in their class and be picked up by their older sibling or carpool member and will then go out to their cars at dismissal. Dismissal begins at 3:20 and we are asking you to contact your eldest student’s teacher via the method they have indicated.
Please Click Here access QR codes for the pick up Google Forms.