Data governance is an organizational approach to data and information management that is formalized as a set of policies and procedures that encompass the full life cycle of data, from acquisition, to use, to disposal. Treeside Charter School (TCS) takes seriously its moral and legal responsibility to protect student privacy and ensure data security. Utah’s Student Data Protection Act (SDPA), UCA Title 53E, Chapter 9, Part 3, requires that the TCS adopt a Data Governance Plan.
1.2 Scope
This policy is applicable to all employees, temporary employees, and contractors of TCS. The policy must be used to assess agreements made to disclose data to third-parties. This policy must also be used to assess the risk of conducting business. In accordance with TCS policy and procedures, this policy will be reviewed and adjusted on an annual basis or more frequently, as needed. This policy is designed to ensure only authorized disclosure of confidential information. The following subsections provide data governance policies and processes to ensure compliance with federal and state law and board rule:
Purpose and Scope
Organization and Roles
Parent and Student Rights
Collection of Data
Maintenance and Protection of Data
Data Disclosures
Record Retention and Expungement
Data Breach Response and Notification
Technical Assistance, Training, and Support
Data Quality, Auditing, and Transparency
2. Organization and Roles
The TCS shall appoint a Student Data Manager and an IT Security Manager (H-Wire), who shall fulfill the roles described in Table 1. As the TCS’s data governance matures, a data governance group will be formed, which will oversee compliance with the data governance plan, assess risks, and provide recommendations for controls and other policies related to data governance.
Data governance, security, and privacy are ultimately the responsibility of all employees of TCS, including educators, who will follow this data governance plan per the guidance and training they receive from the Student Data Manager.
3.1 Definition of parent
3. Parent and Student Rights
A parent is defined as the biological parent, a legal guardian, or an individual in charge of the day-to-day care of the student. In cases where biological parents are separated or divorced, both parents shall have these rights unless there is a court order, State statute, or legally binding document that has revoked these rights to one or both of the parents.
3.2 Right to access
Per FERPA, parents of students who are minors (have not turned 18 yet) and adult students shall be given access to the student’s data. In general, this access will be given via the TCS’s student information system (SIS). Other requests will be granted within a reasonable period, but in no case greater than 45 days after the request was made.
3.3 Right to seek to amend
In 34 CFR 99, Subpart C, FERPA describes a parent’s right to seek to amend any educational record they believe is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s right to privacy. TCS shall then decide whether to amend the record within a reasonable amount of time.
If TCS decides not to amend the record, the parent will be informed of their right to a hearing. The hearing will only be held at the parent’s request, and the format of the hearing will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Should the hearing determine that the record should not be amended, TCS will inform the parent of the right to place a statement in the record commenting on the contested information. This statement will be maintained by TCS and be included in any disclosures related to the record.
3.4 Right to consent to disclose
A parent may submit written consent to disclose information from a student’s education record to any individual or entity. The requirements for these disclosures are found in Section of 6.1 of this plan.
4. Collection of Data
4.1 Prohibited collections
Per UCA 53E-9-305(2), TCS will not collect a student’s social security number or, except as required in UCA 78A-6-112(3), criminal record.
4.2 Collections only permitted with prior parental consent
4.2.1 Utah FERPA
Per UCA 53E-9-203,TCS will prohibit the administration of any psychological or psychiatric examination, test, or treatment, or any survey, analysis, or evaluation that has the purpose or evident intended effect to have a student reveal any of the following personal information about themselves or concerning a family member’s unless written parental consent is received:
Political affiliations or, as provided by UCA 53G-10-202 or USBE Board Rule, political philosophies
Mental or psychological problems
Sexual behavior, orientation, or attitudes
Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior
Critical appraisals of individuals with whom the student or family member has close family
Religious affiliations or beliefs
Legally recognized privileged and analogous relationships, such as those with lawyers, medical
personnel, or ministers
And income, except as required by law
Written parental consent will only be valid if a parent or legal guardian has been given two-week’s prior notice, including a copy of the questions in the case of the survey, that includes
Which records or information are to be examined
The means by which they will be examined
The means by which the information will be obtained
The purpose for which the records or information are needed
The entities or persons who will have access to the records
The method by which a parent or student may access the records
If a school employee believes that collecting any of these information is necessary to respond to an emergency, then the employee may collect the information in accordance with the TCS’s Incident Response Plan.
4.2.2 Optional data
In addition, TCS shall annually designate all information not necessary for day-to-day school functions as “optional” data. Per 53E-9-301(16), optional student data includes information that is
Related to an IEP or needed to provide special needs services
Biometric information, which means a retina or iris scan, fingerprint, human biological sample,
or scan of hand or face geometry
Any data not designated as necessary student data
Optional data will only be collected with prior parental consent.
4.3 Parental notification
Per 53E-9-305(2), TCS shall annually prepare and distribute to parents and students a collection notice statement that
Is a prominent, stand-alone document
Is annually updated and published on the TCS’s website
States the necessary and optional data that the TCS collects
States that the TCS shall not collect of the prohibited data in Section 4.1
States the data that the school may not share without written parental consent
Includes the statement “The collection, use, and sharing of student data has both benefits and
risks. Parents and students should learn about these benefits and risks and make choices
regarding student data accordingly.”
Describes in general terms how the TCS will store and protect the data
States a student’s rights to the data
Requests written consent for students in grades 9 – 12 to have their contact information shared
with the state Board of Regents for the purpose of higher education outreach
Should the TCS choose, the collection notice statement and any collection of written consent to share optional information may be separate documents.
5. Maintenance and Protection of Data
5.1 Best practices
TCS shall use reasonable data industry best practices to maintain and protect student data and other education-related data, including teacher and employee data.
Should the TCS contract with a third-party provider to collect, maintain, and have access to student data, TCS shall ensure that the contract with the provider includes a provision that the data are the property of the student and that the data will not be redisclosed with the student’s consent. TCS will ultimately monitor and maintain control of the data.
All data will be maintained in accordance with TCS Information Technology Systems Security Plan, as described in R277-487-2(11).
5.2 Employee expectations and assurances
Per Board Rule R277-487-3, all employees, aides, and volunteers of TCS shall maintain appropriate confidentiality pursuant to federal, state, local laws, and this and other TCS policies with regard to student performance data and personally identifiable student information.
5 An employee, aide, or volunteer may not share, disclose, or disseminate passwords that are used to
access student performance data or any personally identifiable student information per R277-487-3(17). TCS employees may only access student records pursuant to a legitimate educational purpose and
consistent with their educator obligations under R277-515.
All TCS employees that have access to confidential data shall receive an annual training regarding data governance and student data privacy requirements as described in Section 9.1. School employees shall annually submit a certified statement to the TCS data manager upon completion of this training.
TCS may use a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) or other methods to ensure that all TCS employees meet these expectations. Licensed educators in violation of this NDA, this data governance plan, or Board Rule R277-487 may be subject to disciplinary action by TCS or by the Utah State Board of Education.
6. Data Disclosures
All disclosures of student data must be done in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Utah Student Data Protection Act.
6.1 Written parental consent
Data may be disclosed to any party and in any case where the parent or adult student provides written parental consent. Per 34 CFR 99.30, this consent must
Specify the records that may be disclosed
State the purpose of the disclosure
Identify the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure will be made
Parents or adult students may request that a copy of disclosed records be shared with them.
An electronic signature that identifies and authenticates the individual and their approval meets the requirement of written parental consent.
6.2 Exceptions where written parental consent is not required
FERPA in 20 USC 1232g and 34 CFR 99.31 and the Utah Student Data Protection Act provide for several cases where TCS may disclose education records without prior written parental consent. Each exception specifies a different entity that may receive education records and what assurances and restrictions must be followed. These can be found in more detail in Table 2.
6.2.1 External Research Review Process
All external research requests must be submitted to TCS’s external research review process to determine whether the research is for or on TCS’s behalf and whether it meets the requirements of FERPA found in 34 CFR 99.31(6). TCS will then determine if the data may be shared with personally identifiable information, de-identified information, aggregated data, or not at all.
6.2.2 Third-party contractors
TCS may contract services to third parties using the School Official exception in FERPA. When contracting with any third party, except for cases of general audience websites or where parental consent is
obtained, the contract will specify the following:
Requirements and restrictions related to the collection, use, storage, or sharing of student data by the contractor that are necessary for the education entity to ensure compliance
A description of a person, or type of person, including an affiliate of the third-party contractor, with whom the third-party contractor may share student data
Provisions that govern the deletion of the student data by the contractor
Provisions that prohibit the redisclosure of the data
A right-to-audit clause
6.3 Recordation
All data disclosures will be recorded on the student’s record per FERPA’s recordation requirements found in 34 CFR 99.32. All third parties that receive data will be entered into TCS’s Metadata Dictionary. A link to the Metadata Dictionary will be available on TCS’s website.
7. Record Retention and Expungement
7.1 Retention
Records retention and expungement policies promote efficient management of records, preservation of records of enduring value, quality access to public information, and data privacy. TCS staff shall retain and dispose of student records in accordance with GRAMA, UCA 63G-2-604, and the Student Data Protection Act, 53E-9-306, and shall comply with active retention schedules for student records per Utah Division of Archive and Record Services.
7.2 Expungement
Per 53E-9-306, TCS shall follow Board Rule regarding the categorization, maintenance, and expungement of student disciplinary records, medical records, and behavioral test records. In order to ensure maximum student data privacy, TCS shall also delete student data once administrative need has ended and in accordance with active records retention schedules and USBE Board Rule regarding the timeline and process for a prior student to request that records be expunged.
7.2.1 Records that may not be expunged
Per 53E-9-306, the following records may not be expunged:
A record of the student’s enrollment
Assessment information
8. Data Breach Response and Notification
8.1 Response
TCS shall follow industry best practices to protect information and data. In the event of a data breach or inadvertent disclosure of personally identifiable information, TCS staff shall follow industry best practices outlined in the Agency IT Security Policy for responding to the breach.
Concerns about data breaches must be reported immediately to the IT security manager (H-Wire) who will collaborate with appropriate members of the administration to determine whether a security breach has occurred. If TCS determines that one or more employees or contracted partners have substantially failed to comply with TCS’s Agency IT Security Policy and relevant privacy policies, they will identify appropriate consequences, which may include termination of employment or a contract and further legal action. Concerns about security breaches that involve the IT Security Manager (H-Wire) must be reported immediately to the Superintendent.
8.2 Notification
TCS shall follow best practices for notifying affected parties, including students, in the case of an adult student, or parents or legal guardians, if the student is not an adult student.
TCS shall always notify the parent or the adult student in the case of a significant data breach, as defined by Board Rule.
TCS shall notify USBE of any data breach from a third party.
9. Training, Technical Assistance, and Support
9.1 Training
The Student Data Manager shall ensure that all employees, staff, and volunteers receive an annual training on data security and data privacy per 53E-9-204. The Data Manager shall maintain a list of employees who have completed the training and provide a certified statement, signed by the employees, that verifies their completion. Employees who have not received this training will not be given access to student data.
Furthermore, TCS will provide a range of training opportunities for all staff, including volunteers, contractors, and temporary employees with access to student educational data or confidential educator records in order to minimize the risk of human error and misuse of information.
TCS may arrange for the State Student Data Privacy Trainer to provide trainings or training materials.
9.2 Technical assistance and support
The Student Data Manager will provide technical assistance and support to educators, staff, employees, and volunteers as needed.
10. Data Quality, Auditing, and Transparency
10.1 Data quality
The Student Data Manager, IT Security Manager (H-Wire), and any other TCS employees as designated under the direction of the data governance group shall perform regular and ad hoc data auditing for quality assurance. Data sets and reports will be reviewed for reliability, validity, and presentation before they are disclosed.
10.2 Auditing and monitoring
10.2.1 Third party audits
As permitted by 53E-9-309(2), TC shall seek evidence of compliance, up to and including an audit by TCS or a designee, to verify that all third parties contracted by TCS are in compliance with Federal and State law, this data governance plan, and all terms of the contract.
10.2.2 TCS audits and evidence of compliance
TCS shall annually provide to the State Superintendent evidence of compliance with Federal and State data confidentiality and disclosure laws to be reviewed by USBE’s Chief Privacy Officer annually by October 1, per R277-487-3(13).
TCS shall furthermore coordinate with the USBE Student Data Privacy Auditor regarding ad hoc audits of the TCS’s compliance with Federal and State law and this data governance plan.
10.3 Transparency
TCS shall annually publish the following on its website: This data governance plan
A URL link to the TCS Metadata Dictionary
Table 1. Data governance roles and responsibilities
Role Responsibilities
Authorize membership into groups receiving student data access.
Authorize and manage the sharing, outside of the education entity, of personally
identifiable student data.
Create and maintain a list of all TCS staff that have access to personally identifiable
student data.
Ensure annual TCS level training on data privacy to all staff members, including
volunteers. Document all staff names, roles, and training dates, times, locations, and agendas.
TCS Student Data Manager
Authorize and manage the sharing, outside of the education entity, of personally identifiable student data
Act as the primary local point of contact for the state student data officer.
Create and maintain a list of all TCS staff that have access to personally identifiable
student data.
Ensure annual TCS level training on data privacy to all staff members, including
volunteers. Document all staff names, roles, and training dates, times, locations, and agendas.
IT Systems Security Manager (H-Wire)
Act as the primary point of contact for state student data security administration in assisting the board to administer this part;
Ensure compliance with security systems laws throughout the public education system, including:
providing training and support to applicable TCS employees; and
producing resource materials, model plans, and model forms for TCS systems
Investigate complaints of alleged violations of systems breaches
1. An employee, aide, or volunteer may not share, disclose, or disseminate passwords that are used to access student performance data or any personally identifiable student information.
2. TCS employees may only access student records pursuant to a legitimate educational purpose and consistent with their educator obligations.
3. All TCS employees that have access to confidential data shall receive an annual training regarding data governance and student data privacy requirements.
Table 2. FERPA exceptions
Redisclosure Restrictions
Accrediting Organization
Data may be shared as needed for the organization to carry out its accrediting functions
No redisclosures without parent or student permission or in response to a judicial order/subpoena
Individuals or agencies designated as "authorized representatives" of the TCS for the purpose of audit or evaluation of a federal or state education program
Written agreement that specifies
• who the authorizedrepresentative is
• the data to be shared
• requirements to destroy the data once no longer needed
• the time period to destroy the data
• Policies and procedures to ensure confidentiality and privacy
No redisclosures without parent or student permission or in response to a judicial order/subpoena or if required by federal law
Caseworkers of the Department of Human Services or Juvenile Justice Court
Caseworker must have a legal right to access the data, and the student must be under the care and protection of the caseworker per Utah law
The Student Data Protection Act allows redisclosures to other caseworkers in order to improve educational outcomes for youth
Child Nutrition Data
Department of Agriculture, or an authorized representative or contractor of the Food and Nutrition Service
The National School Lunch Program has higher restrictions on child nutrition program data
No redisclosures without parent or student permission or in response to a judicial order/subpoena
Dependent Student
Parents of students who have turned 18 but are still claimed as a dependent on the parent's taxes
Per TCS policy to determine the student is a dependent
Directory Information
Any party as designated in the TCS's annual directory information notice
TCS must annually notify parents of their directory information policy. Parents must be given a reasonable amount of time to opt out.
Financial Aid
Individuals or agencies who need the student information to determine the eligibility, amount, and conditions of financial aid OR to enforce the terms and conditions of financial aid
No redisclosures without parent or student permission or in response to a judicial order/subpoena
Health or Safety Emergency
Appropriate parties in connection with an emergency
TCS must determine that there is a clear and articulable threat
No redisclosures without parent or student permission or in response to a judicial order/subpoena
Juvenile Justice
An alternative school- related intervention run by the Department of Juvenile Justice Services per UCA 53G-8-211
Student must be "prior to adjudication"
No redisclosures without parent or student permission or in response to a judicial order/subpoena
School Official
Teachers and contractors, consultants, volunteers that perform a service or function for which the TCS would use its employees
Must be under direct control of the TCS, as defined by contract, NDA, physical or technical controls, or other agreement specified by the TCS
No redisclosures without parent or student permission or in response to a judicial order/subpoena
Sex Offenders
Individuals who need to know in connection to sex offenders or other individuals required to register under the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
Student Transfer
Officials of another school that the student is attending or seeks to enroll
TCS must make a reasonable effort to notify the parent of the disclosure. This may be done in the TCS's annual FERPA notice.
No redisclosures without parent or student permission or in response to a judicial order/subpoena
Researchers working for or on the behalf of the TCS to develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; administer student aid programs; or improve instruction
Written agreement that specifies
• purpose, scope, and duration of the studies • that the data may only be used for the study
• restrictions on personal identification of the data • a requirement to destroy the data at the end of the study
No redisclosures without parent or student permission or in response to a judicial order/subpoena
Subpoena/Judicial Order
Any judicial or legislative authority that issues a subpoena or judicial order
Parents must be notified of the subpoena/judicial order and given enough time to seek protective action
None per FERPA. Utah's Student Data Protection Act, however, restricts the redisclosure for any purposes outside the subpoena/judicial order